26 (4-3-10), 18 (4-4-10).
1 (3-4-10), 2 (2-4-10), 6 (2-3-10), 7 (1-2-10), 2 (1-2-10/1-6), 1 (1-2-2/2-8).
1. The U.S. Player is the First Player.
2. The Japanese Player may make no invasions in this Scenario. The U.S. Player is permitted to invade on any one Game-Turn, but no sooner than Game-Turn 49.
3. This Scenario begins on Game-Turn 46 and continues through Game-Turn 60.
The Japanese Player, in addition to the normal Victory Points for U.S. retreats, eliminated units and Japanese units exited from the map, receives at the end of each Game-Turn one Victory Point for each Japanese unit remaining on the map at the end of that Game-Turn.
The Japanese Player receives no Points for Territorial Objectives. The U.S. Player receives no Victory Points at all in this Scenario. The Japanese Player wins if he achieves 100 Victory Points. The U.S. Player wins if the Japanese Player does not reach this level.
In any Scenario, at the end of the game, if the U.S. Player does not have at least one unit in the Southern zone and if the Japanese Player has at least one unit in the Central or Northern zone, the Japanese Player automatically wins the Scenario, regardless of the Victory Point totals.
Copyright © 2008, Decision Games, Bakersfield U.S.A. and Decision Games, Fortrose, U.K.