Okinawa is a simulation of combat between U.S. and Japanese forces over control of the Island of Okinawa in 1945. The game focuses on the battles which took place in the southern quarter of the island, as the Japanese attempted to demonstrate to the Americans that an invasion of the Japanese islands would be prohibitively costly.
Only the U.S. Player receives reinforcements. The number and type of reinforcement units received is listed on the Turn Record/Reinforcement Track. These units appear during the Owning Player's Movement Phase of the Game-Turn next to which they are listed.
Reinforcements arrive during the Movement Phase. Reinforcements may be moved normally during the Movement Phase in which they arrive. Reinforcements may be deliberately withheld, and brought into the game on some later Game-Turn.
U.S. Reinforcements may be brought onto the map in any hex at the northern or eastern map edges. Reinforcements may conduct invasions on their Game Turn of arrival (see 14.0).
[12.21] In Enemy Zones of Control
Reinforcements may arrive in an Enemy Zone of Control. However, if they do so, they may move no farther that Movement Phase and must attack at least one Enemy unit to which they are then adjacent (see 6.0).
[12.22] On Map edge Hexes
Units which are to enter at a particular map edge may be placed in any hex in the first row of hexes at that map edge. These units pay only the Movement Point cost for entering the hex at the map edge (and all other hexes which they enter that Phase). They need not pay any extra Movement Points to enter, regardless of the number of units entering through the same hex.
Reinforcements may engage in combat in the normal manner in the same Game-Turn that they arrive.
Both sides are allowed a certain number of replacements during the course of the game. They may be used only in the Campaign game.
[13.11] At any time on Game-Turn Eighteen or after, the U.S. Player may replace a total of eight destroyed U.S. units. They may be brought into play all at once or in smaller groups.
[13.12] The Japanese Player receives one Replacement Point per Game-Turn. These Points are equivalent to the Defense Strength Point of an infantry unit. The Japanese Player may accumulate these Points from Game-Turn to Game-Turn. He may replace a destroyed unit by expending a number of Replacement Points equal to the Defense Strength of the unit. He may bring back as many units as he has Points for, but may replace only infantry units.
[13.13] The replacement of a unit does not nullify the Victory Points awarded for its original elimination.
[13.14] U.S. replacements return to play by entering from the northeast map edge. Japanese replacements enter the game by appearing in a city hex in Shun or Naha. They are limited to one unit per hex, which must be placed at the beginning of the Japanese Player-Turn.
[13.15] The Japanese Player may continue to bring in replacements and accumulate Replacement Points as long as there is at least one city hex in either Shun or Naha which is still controlled by the Japanese. Control goes to the side which occupied, or was the last to have passed through the hex. All Shun and Naha hexes start the Campaign Game controlled by the Japanese.
Both Players may make a limited number of invasions during the course of the game. Each Scenario tells whether or not either side may make an invasion.
[14.11] The U.S. Player may use either Marine or Army units or a combination of the two types in an invasion.
[14.12] The Japanese Player may use only engineer and/or commando units for his invasion.
[14.13] For a unit to be used in an invasion, it must have begun the Player-Turn in a clear terrain coastal hex, free of Enemy Zones of Control. It may not move during the Movement Phase. At the end of the Movement Phase simply place the unit on any other vacant clear terrain coastal hex. It may move no farther that Phase.
[14.14] No more than six U.S. units may make invasions in a single Game-Turn
[14.15] All eligible Japanese units may make invasions in every Game-Turn.
[14.16] Neither side may make invasions on the last Game-Turn of any Scenario.
A players units may exit from the map. An exiting unit must pay the terrain cost in Movement Points to enter an imaginary hex presumed to be adjacent to the map edge. The terrain in this imaginary hex is presumed to be similar to the terrain in the hex from which the unit exited. Once a unit exits the map it may not return. Exited units are not considered eliminated (but see 17.4) and are kept separate from eliminated units.
The U.S. Player may never use his artillery units or Ground Support Points as Barrage Strength against any Japanese unit which is in Rough terrain.
The U.S. Player is limited in the number of FPF which he may use in a given combat. The U.S. may use no more than four (4) artillery or ground support strength points as FPF in a given combat. There is no limitation on the use of Japanese FPF.
Victory is judged at the end of a Scenario on the basis of Victory Points scored by the Players. Victory Points are awarded to Players for eliminating Enemy units, for reaching territorial objectives, for exiting from the map and (for the Japanese Player) inflicting retreats upon U.S. units
[17.11] Each unit has a numerical Victory Point Value equivalent to the total of its Combat Strengths (Attack plus Defense Strengths for non-Artillery units; Barrage, FPF and Defense Strengths for Artillery units). Thus, a Marine battalion (4-4-10) would be worth eight Victory Points.
[17.12] Victory Points are awarded to the Player when he eliminates Enemy units. If the Japanese Player eliminated a U.S. 4-3.10, the Japanese Player would receive seven Victory Points.
[17.21] The Japanese Player receives one Victory Point for each hex a U.S. unit retreats. This retreat can be the result of a Japanese attack or a U.S. attack. For example, if a U.S. unit received a 'D3' Result, the Japanese Player would receive three Victory Points. If a U.S. unit suffered an 'A1', the Japanese Player would receive one Victory Point.
[17.22] Victory Points are awarded to the Japanese Player as soon as the Combat Result is applied, and for each U.S. unit which suffers a retreat result. If an American unit is destroyed, the Japanese Player only receives the Points for the elimination of the unit and not for any hexes it may have retreated (as explained in case 7.74 of the Standard Rules.
[17.31] Each Scenario will state which Objective zones are in use for that particular Scenario. The Players receive certain Victory Points for the positions of their units in relation to these lines at the end of the Scenario. If the Japanese Player has a in the Northern zone he receives 5 Victory Points for this. If the Japanese Player has a unit in the Central Zone, he receives 1 Victory Point. He receives these Points for each unit so positioned at the end of the game. The U.S. Player receives 4 Victory Points for each unit in the Southern Zone at the end of the Scenario. These victory points apply unless stated otherwise in the scenario notes.
[17.41] The Japanese Player receives three Victory Points for each Defense Strength Point exited off the Northeast map edge. In addition, the U.S. Player must immediately remove any three of his units from the map as each Japanese unit exits. The units chosen need not be those units nearest to the exit hex.
[17.51] All U.S. units on the map [only] are required to have a Line of Communications. U.S. units must trace a Line of Communications to any hex on the northeast map edge at the end of each Scenario or else the Japanese Player will receive Victory Points.
[17.52] The Japanese Player receives three Victory Points for each U.S. unit which is unable to trace a Line of Communications at the end of the Scenario.
[17.53] A line of Communications is defined as a series of contiguous hexes free of Enemy units or their Zones of Control. A Line of Communications may always be traced through a hex containing a Friendly unit, regardless of Enemy Zones of Control.
In any Scenario, at the end of the game, if the U.S. Player does not have at least one unit in the Southern zone and if the Japanese Player has at least one unit in the Central or Northern zone, the Japanese Player automatically wins the Scenario, regardless of the Victory Point totals.
The instructions for each Scenario include each Player's Initial Deployment. Units are identified by their Combat Strengths and Movement Values. Units must be deployed in the map area or specific hexes listed. Also included in each Scenario are Special Rules, the length in Game-Turns and Victory Conditions.
The Japanese Player always sets up first in accordance with the placement constraints listed in each individual Scenario. He may only set up his units south of the northen line described in the Scenario. The U.S. Player then sets up his units. He is free to place them in any hex in the northern zone not in a Japanese Zone of Control.
15 (4-3-10).
In Yonabaru: 3 (2-3-10).
West of 1800 hex row (inclusive): 4 (3-4-10), 1 (2-3-10).
Anywhere south of Primary Line: 4 (3-4-10). 1(2-3-10), 3 (1-2-10/1-6), 2 (1-2-2/2-8), 1 (1-2-5/1-6).
1. The U.S. Player is the First Player.
2. No invasions are permitted in this Scenario.
3. This Scenario begins on Game-Turn One and continues through Game-Turn Twelve.
The Japanese Player wins if his Victory Point total exceeds the U.S. Point total by at least 50 Victory Points. Otherwise, the U.S. Player wins.
27 (4-3-10).
3 (3-4-10), 3 (2-4-10), 11 (2-3-10), 2 (1-1-0), 2 (1-1-8), 1 (3-2-10), 5 (1-2-10/1-6), 3 (1-2-2/2-8), 2 (l-2-l5/-6).
27 (4-3-10).
3 (3-4-10), 3 (2-4-10), 11 (2-3-10), 2 (1-1-0), 2 (1-1-8), 1 (3-2-10), 5 (1-2-10/1-6), 3 (1-2-2/2-8), 2 (l-2-l5/-6).
1. The U.S. Player is the First Player.
2. The U.S. Player is not permitted any invasions in this Scenario. The Japanese Player is allowed to invade on any two Game-Turns of his choice.
3. The U.S. Player must remove nine4-3-10 battalions by exiting them from the northeast map edge. They must be removed by Game-Turn 19 or else the Japanese Player will be awarded Victory Points. For each of the nine units which does not exit from the map in time, the Japanese Player is awarded three Victory Points. The Japanese Player continues to receive Points in this fashion each Game-Turn until the required nine units have been exited.
4. The Primary Line is Line B. The Secondary Line is Line C.
5. This Scenario begins on Game-Turn 14 and continues through Game-Turn 23.
The Japanese Player wins if his Victory Point total exceeds the US. Victory Point total by at least 50 Victory Points; otherwise the U.S. Player wins.
17 (4-3-10), 18 (4-4-10).
4 (2-4-10), 8 (2-3-10), 7 (1-2-10), 2 (1-2-10/1-6), 2 (1.2.2/2-8), 1 (1-2-15/1-6).
1. The U.S. Player is the First Player.
2. There are no invasions permitted in this Scenario.
3. This Scenario begins on Game-Turn 29 and continues through Game-Turn 39.
The Japanese Player wins if his Victory Point total exceeds the U.S. Victory Point total by at least 50 Victory Points; otherwise the U.S. Player wins.
26 (4-3-10), 18 (4-4-10).
1 (3-4-10), 2 (2-4-10), 6 (2-3-10), 7 (1-2-10), 2 (1-2-10/1-6), 1 (1-2-2/2-8).
1. The U.S. Player is the First Player.
2. The Japanese Player may make no invasions in this Scenario. The U.S. Player is permitted to invade on any one Game-Turn, but no sooner than Game-Turn 49.
3. This Scenario begins on Game-Turn 46 and continues through Game-Turn 60.
The Japanese Player, in addition to the normal Victory Points for U.S. retreats, eliminated units and Japanese units exited from the map, receives at the end of each Game-Turn one Victory Point for each Japanese unit remaining on the map at the end of that Game-Turn.
The Japanese Player receives no Points for Territorial Objectives. The U.S. Player receives no Victory Points at all in this Scenario. The Japanese Player wins if he achieves 100 Victory Points. The U.S. Player wins if the Japanese Player does not reach this level.
Same as case 18.11.
Anywhere south of Northern Zone: All Japanese units.
1. The U.S. Player is the First Player.
2. The Japanese Playermay make invasions on any two Game-Turns. The U.S. Player may also make invasions on any two Game-Turns, but may not make more than one if there are any Japanese units in the Northern Zone.
3. The Players should use Replacement Rules.
4. This Scenario begins on Game-Turn 1 and continues through Game-Turn 60.
The U.S. Player receives noVictory Points. The Japanese Playerreceives the normal Victory Points for U.S. retreats and eliminated units, and for exiting the map. In addition, he receives fourVictory Points for each unit the U.S. Player brings onto the map as either Reinforcements or Replacements. He also receives 10 Victory Points per Game-Turn (starting on the 45th Game-Turn) if there is at least one Japanese unit remaining on the map. This is determined at the end of each Game-Turn. The Japanese Player also receives four Victory Points for each U.S. unit which makes an invasion during the course of the game. If a particular unit were to participate in two invasions, the Japanese Player would receive four Victory Points for that unit for each invasion - a total of 8 Victory Points. The Japanese Playerwins if he achieves at least 500 Victory Points during the course of the game. Otherwise, the U.S. Player wins.
Copyright © 2008, Decision Games, Bakersfield U.S.A. and Decision Games, Fortrose, U.K.